The Gallery of
Soviet Art

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Юнтунен Суло Хейккиевич

Народный художник СССР (1980), народный художник РСФСР (1970), заслуженный деятель искусств РСФСР (1959), заслуженный деятель искусств Карельской АССР (1955), лауреат Государственной премии Карельской АССР (1970), кавалер орденов «Знак Почета» (1951), Трудового Красного Знамени (1967).

Юдин Юрий Дмитриевич
(род. 1950)

График. Живописец. С 1977 — член Союза художников России.

Юдин Сергей Петрович
(1858 - 1923)


"Glass Sky" - the private Saint-Petersburg gallery featuring works by famous masters of the Soviet painting and graphics from the classic to the alternative art of Socialist Realism of the Soviet era.

We can also offer interesting antiques for collectors and lovers of antiquities.

Experienced art gallery provide services for attribution, professional evaluation of works of painting, drawing, arts and crafts.

The gallery buys paintings and antiques in his own collection.

Our experts form the private and corporate meetings.

| landscape
| cityscape
| industrial landscape
| still life
| genre scenes
| portrait
| graphics
| military genre
| other art